Thursday, April 16, 2009

White People Are Mean

Ok, so that sounds really racist, but I promise I'm not!! It's just that at work, in downtown SLC, I help tons of people of all different sizes, shapes, ages, colors, classes, mannerisms, attitudes, and styles, everyday. I've worked at America First for almost two years now, and I have yet to help a mean, stingy, or rude black person. They have always been so nice and friendly! Their fun personalities totally show through, even though I only interact with them for a few minutes. Don't get me wrong, the majority of all people that come into the Credit Union are very nice and friendly. I've just noticed that the few people that come into the credit union every once in awhile with bad attitudes are white!! So, this is just a friendly reminder to anyone, no matter what your size, shape, age, color, class, mannerism, attitude, or style is, that if you're planning on going into a bank or credit union today to do business and you're having a bad day, don't take it out on the tellers!! Tellers are REAL people too!! We're not the same as the ATM machines that spit cash back out at you. We're human beings with real feelings, and for the most part we like to be treated as such!!

Sorry. I just needed to vent. :)

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